1) Happiness is a well-made bed
I cannot sleep in an unmade bed. When I was a little Poly I was taught by Mommy to make my bed in the morning, sheets nice and tight, blankets pulled up and tucked under the pillows.
Most times the sheets are still warm, as I make the bed. The thought of a bed left unmade all day grosses me out.
The bed is a refuge from the rest of this messy world and should be treated with care and respect.
nicely made bed.
2) It's hard to make up your mind what you want to be when you grow up.

I've had 43 jobs in my short life so far. That's not counting 20 years of being a DJ for private parties and nightclubs here in NY & NJ. As a
perfect Gemini, I would leave a day job as soon as I got bored or things got stupid or I just felt I had to move on for various other reasons (fired,
layed-off, chased out).
I never had a problem securing a job being I make a good presentation, am energetic and have the gift of gab to baffle them with my bullshit.
My worse job was as a Biology lab assistant while I was in college and had to prepare experiments and clean up after them...YUK! Ever see a 55 gallon drum filled with rats in brine? How about a box filled with dried body parts?
My best job was as a store announcer for a large retail store, writing and delivering their commercials over the store PA system. It was a very creative job plus I was single and got to visit all the honeys in every department for research purposes.
3) Being in the right.
There are 2
ways to do things; the right way and the wrong way. My way is usually the right way- says I being the logical, resonable person I am.
However, I do have a tendency to drive people up the wall or flee for their sanity after spending a day with me.
Question: If I show you a better way to do something that makes sense, shouldn't you at least try it before dissing it? There, now that that's settled we can move on...

4) Tell me something I don't know...

I have a bad habit that I've been working on for years- No, it's not masturbation.
My problem is that I talk a lot; including finishing peoples sentences for them.
Maybe it's the NY trait of impatience or my rambling spirit, I have so much to say myself- why waste time listening to someone tell me something I already know or at least can guess where their going with their story. Come on now...let's be adult about this, time is too short to waste; but then again, you already knew that.
As a salesman, I should know when the fuck to shut up, shouldn't I? But then again...oh, here I go, there I go again...
* Under the impression that I know everything about
This is the spot at work, where we have our main computer. Under the counter is the veins to our brains...so to say....................MASTER COMPUTER!
I picture my brain somewhat wired like this- a jumble of wires, somehow all connected and functioning in a confused organized sort of way.
I have a lifetime of collected knowledge and life experience that I often share. I can talk intelligently on a myriad of subjects and like to, or rather feel the need to share my thoughts with people. Sometimes I fear my views and stories aren't as compelling as I think they are (especially if I've been drinking, and I forget the point I was going to make-duh)
5) I find humor in almost everything.
Leave it to me to crack a joke in the most somber of occasions. I can't help it.
Whether it is just a nervous reflex or I'm just demented- I'm usually getting a gentle elbow to the ribs from the Mrs. or she just rolls her eyes and shakes her head, stifling a laugh.
Shes says that I look like Deniro but act like Robim Williams.
I take that as a compliment.
6) I am a trusting soul.

It seems no matter how long I trust people and get burned, I still give them the benifit of the doubt and hope for the best. It is the only way I can be. But I find in life you get what you give; I have known so many people that blindly trusted me, that it is the only way I can be. Even though people can be absolute hard-ons I still can't be. A warrior-yes! but loving and helpful to most that cross my path.
It is the Christian thing to do.
Now, if I understand this correctly, I pick 6 people to reveal 6 weird things about themselves.: