ha ha,
Poor pathetic clown.
Poor pathetic clown.
Poor sad Bozo.
pitiful creature of merriment
pitiful creature of merriment
that knows no difference
inside and outside,
round or square
black or white
right and wrong.
Has his sorrows multiplied
and is looked down upon
with cold resentment.
and is looked down upon
with cold resentment.

...and yet
finds time to dance with
ghosts of our shadows,
not yet buried
in shallow holes
of deceptive levity.
Stooping in rhythm,
to the downbeat, upbeat
hoof beat, sway and stagger
to the downbeat, upbeat
hoof beat, sway and stagger
of unending mirth.
who are nameless,
who cry alone
in the night,
in the dark
groping for meaning
on all fours
chasing sleep
that never comes.
tormented by laughter. ++++
Back in the world circus
The moon is glittering
on the horizon
of another nameless town.
The streetlamps glow
in hazy mist.
We are all puppets
wooden heads
and faces
painted on in empathy.

...and I fear the comedy
has all but ended
for you
I take it you don't like clowns?
Yeah? I don't blame you! Ever since I saw the movie 'It' by Stephen King...clowns are my enemy!!
Yup...that's pretty much how I feel about the whole thing!
I don't like clowns either
seems the movie industry has
made them all psycho...
however, I do seem 2 chase sleep
that never comes...
' ]
Eeeee, I don't like clowns or masks.
And what's up with chuckie?
The "clown" is a type metaphor for the faces each of us wear as we go through life. Are we deep down whom we really seem to be?...what face do we have to wear to interact with others at home, on the job, with friends etc... I think that is why the notion of the "evil clown" is so weird because it is totally out of character for which a clown traditionally represents.
So true, especially if you look at it the way I do.
Tell you the truth clowns scare me, always did- if only for the fact that it is so pretentious. Now I would go more for the village idiot, where that is true honest stupidity.
Chuckie pisses me off.
Sometimes I feel like that!
You know, I'm really beginning to worry about you.
Has your prescription run out? ;)
I yearn for a simpler time, when all clowns didn't remind me of John Wayne Gacy.
I mean, they always creeped me out; it's just that now I know why...This guy didn't help much, either...
Ever see Mary Poppins? There is a great part about laughing!
Hope you are having a good weekend!
I loved Bozo growing up.
But, ya know, I'm from Chicago and all...
When I was little, EVERY KID I KNEW wanted to be on that show.
There was, apparently, waiting lists years long that would make it impossible to appear on the show while you were still a child.
As I've gotten older, I believe that to be just a rumour set into motion by conniving adults who did not want to go through the rigamarole of getting tickets and trekking into the city with your clan of kids. The waiting list could not have been THAT long.
But, I've never really looked into it.
I had some friends that had the home version of the Grand Prize Game, (the bucket game that you threw the balls into.) It was, like, the cool thing to have as an activity at your birthday parties. My mom, however, instead devised some game where you drop clothespins into a jar. I have no idea where she came up wtih this stuff.
Needless to say, I am not scared of clowns. I have a REALLY COOL clown outfit that I made for Halloween one year that I recycle and bring back into rotation every few years now, or borrow out to friends.
I think I like clowns BECAUSE of the anonymity/different face masks thing of which you speak. Something about the mystery behind it all is sort of neat to me.
The duality of the Evil Clown I dig on too. People ARE NOT always what they seem. In any sense of the word. There are so many layers to every individual. No one can ever be that happy OR that scary.
As for John Wayne Gacy...he DID really scare me. But, as I said, I'm from Chi...and he was very REAL. His horrors went down during a time when I was a little girl hearing about it on the radio and I didn't even know about the clown thing until I was much older and saw the made for TV thing with Brian Dennehy.
With regards to Chuckie...any DOLL who can get Jennifer Tilly is a stud in my book.
Okay, I'm done rambling in your comment section now.
Have a great day, Mr. Poly!
life is a stage and we are all robert de niros,life is really weird,one minute your up the next your on the toilet with bum ghoulash,all the human traits,jealousy,anger,fear,hate,lust and greed are just a pain in the ass sometimes,nextime i want to be a cat,easy life..all the best poly good poast mate,thoughtful and straight to the point.
I think Strumpet is hot...
Yikes. I don't like clowns at all. The question of what lies underneath all of that makeup and getup creeps me out.
However, we are all clowns in that in some instances we never feel that we can truly be who we are, that we must somehow for whatever reason put on the mask and play the part.
Ah, the clown metaphor. I prefer--in my case, anyway--the ninja metaphor. I have nothing against clowns, but ninjas are better.
At least I'm a hot kinda clown! I'm always trying to entertain people.
dark post.
clowns all remind me of mr. gacy.
terrifying, not funny.
Pardon me, Mr. Poly, as I respond to this clown friend of yours.
That works out well, Spaulding...
I think you're hot too.
Maybe we should do something about this.
Of course, foreplay will involve my brushing your teeth for you.
P.S. I've missed you. ^_~
Thank you, Mr. Polydude. I hope you are having a fabulous week!
that scares me! like the haunted house I went to last month. Lots of creepy clowns in my face....AAH
Yea, know what you mean-
sometimes I just get tired of the charade.
No, this is me under medication.
I never really liked the whole clown thing, and Gacy did do damage to that noble profession.
Lee Ann,
My parents took me to see M.Poppins
in the movies when I was a kid. Even had a thing for Julie Andrews.
Saw her once in NYC, but was too shy to talk with her and express my love...and I do love to laugh.
Your a pissa! Like to see you in that clown get-up, do you wear anything underneath? oh, stop it Poly!
I used to watch Bozo, when a kid-
Knew a kid that was on and was jealous.
...and you have a creative Mom, though that sounds like a boring kids game.
Was Gacy from Chicago? Very creepy
clown killer.
Chucky also, hate slashers.
Hey- you get it! Life is the stage where we are the actors. People say I look like Dinero. My cats & dogs got the easy life.
Capt Spaulding,
So dooooo I. Are you from Chicago too? I'd better warn her.
Exactly. Hit it right on the head.
Not only are you beautiful, sexy, sensitive and humorous- but you are intelligent.
Ninjas are definitely cool. Love the hide in the shadows assassin thing too.
You can entertain me anytime you want to.
not funny, in an ironic way.
Be true to your teeth, or they'll be false to you. That goes for clowns also.
Yea, we had a few of them also at the haunted house we went to also-
that's when I used my daughter as a human shield.
I love all of you for keeping me going...thx.
Hi hon!
' ]
I know, I know, I am just like a kid when you give me a camera....but, you gotta love me! hehe
Have a great weekend sweetie!
My mom is pretty creative. The game was always a big hit.
We also had a pool table, though, so that helped to keep us entertained too.
And yeah, Gacy was from Chicagoland. He was VERY into clowns, creating oil-paintings of clowns while in prison and being known to have said, 'a clown can get away with murder.'
I've been blessed with good teeth, but only because I wore braces for two years in high school. So, no worries, I've been taking good care of them over the years after going through all that back then. As for Mr. Spaulding's teeth...foreplay it is.
And, so...you look like Bobby DeNiro, eh? I KNEW you were a hottie, Poly. I just KNEW it.
WOW, that was deep!!
I hope all is well & do take care!! Have an awesome weekend!!
Love always, MM XOXO
Clowns are scary. Eecchhh.
Have you read "The Smile at the Foot of the Ladder" by Henry Miller?
It's been one of my favorite books forever.
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