They hide in your closet.
Is it the bogeyman?
Coming to get you...
or just some asshole.
it doesn't take that much
to scare me
up a tree.

Just read the newspaper,
or watch your favorite
news program-

For the horror.
of the day

I'm just a scaredy-cat.
But, I fear.

and am afraid.................................................for us all............................................Halloween
seems to be everyday,
we can't go home
and eat candy
and forget about it all.
Yikes. OK. I flinched.
I didn't think picking up chicks in a Ferrari was scary, but I do now...
oh poly, for some reason blogger makes it difficult for me to comment.
ANyway, i get more sad & angry than scred at the woes of the world. we people need to rebel more.
damn, that's supposed to say scared
You speak the truth...I fear everyday life more then I fear the monsters in my closet...atleast the monsters in my closet are predictable..;)
P.S. I still wubs Halloween =)
I REFUSE to watch the news & rarely pick up a newspaper.
However, I do eat candy (chocolate) every day to make it all better. (That's my excuse, anyway! ;-)
Happy Humpday Poly!!!
You are so rigth Poly. As always a great post with great pics.
i wish we had holloween.
real life is far more terrifying than any fictitious horrors our minds may conjure.
i severely dislike the [bad] news. they should just call it that. the bad news.
I feel sad with the current condition of the world. : (
I feel worse for the children having to grow up in it!
I swore yrs. ago that I would not have children 4 that reason. I lied, they are here, but I don't feel any different about my reasons, guess I just got 'caught up in the moment'
I'm sure the end of the world won't be so bad. It'll probably be really, really bright and smell like burning, though.
I really liked this post, Mr. Poly!
And, as per usual...you NEVER disappoint with the images. I hope you don't mind that I saved the freaky one, (well, they were all freaky, but) the one with two faces on one head. He was COOL.
I almost saved the one of the asshole cos that picture REALLY turned me on, actually.
I am one of those strange folks who never watches the news and only reads the newspaper for, like, the horoscopes, the ads for drink specials at local watering holes, and showtimes.
Because most of the shit that goes on in this fucked-up world in which we live is pretty fucking scary!
I tend to really dig on Halloween and spooky things and stuff. Maybe it is because it is something that allows me to scare MYSELF all in good fun to feel the ups and downs of emotion. Whereas, watching the news and learning of all the horrendous shit that exists on Earth in greater detail than I care to think about....scares me beyond belief and it's something that is out of my control.
Going to a Haunted House is an adventure I choose to partake in. Sitting down to spend time learning about more acts of terrorism, or reading about gang-related activities in the paper while trying to enjoy my morning chai...those are things that I already know go on...I don't need to scare myself any MORE by focusing on them. So, I choose not to.
So, yeah...I liked this post, Poly. It really made me think. Even though nothing I said made any sense.
Yay for not making sense!
mmmm candy.
Ha, ha, got ya!
Yea, that first pic really jumps out at you when you enter my site.
I like scary movies, but not slasher or gory ones. Growing up I was a big fan of Monster Magazine
with Dracula, Franky & wolfy.
Ah, the old days.
-My daughter sleeps with her lights & TV on also, I guess for the same reasons you do.
your around my age- remember when hitch hiking was a way of life?
I tell you, now just walking my dog down the street can be scary.
I hear you babe. At what point do "we the people" get fed up with all the bullshit were force fed and take a stand?
In my bedroom when I was a kid was a closet door at the foot of my bed, I think I spent half my time worrying about something popping out in the middle of the night.
Now I wish that was my only fear.
I read about 5 different papers online a day, then one after dinner, and I'm so uptight. A shrink told me a few years back to
not worry about the world affairs-
so I stopped going to him.
In retrospect, I think he was probably right.
And I did take your advice a while back- Now I snack on trail mix loaded with choc. chips. yum, yum.
Thank you, my dear.
What? no halloween in Africa?
How un-american.
Hollywood could never match the craziness of reality. The news is all about sex & violence & ratings.
Charlotte dear,
"Stop the world I want to get off."
Unfortunataly you can't hide from
the bullshit of everyday living.
My friend T tried that for 15 years
and it still didn't work.
We held off 4 years after we were married to have kids- my point was; do I really want to bring more humans into this modern madness- and you know what? after thinking long and hard, realized that maybe, just maybe one of my 2 kids could make a difference. I always think about the terminator
movie where John is destined to be the rebel leader. There is no greater calling than standing up to tyranny and doing what is right.
(OK Poly, get off the soapbox.)
Again my friend, true insight delivered. But, will it be a giant bang or just a stinky burnout???
Strumpet, my love,
You are always so supportive of me
(and Eros)
Great pics- right? and sure- your welcome to any of them. I lift pictures all the time (and don't even bother to ask)
I love Halloween also, took my daughter last Sat night to a haunted mansion by the Hamptons,
and had a blast. She hung onto me,
and I used her as a human sheild
against ghouls with sharp objects.
You like asshole? Don't remember where I got that pic from, but have had it for sometime, waiting for the right post.
It's not mine- not enought hair, I think, haven't seen mine in a while, have to go home and look.
only kidding.
Your so funny.
Ohh that was scarier than any scary movie I have seen!
hey sweetie, I have finally updated U'r link!
Now I can find U quick!
: )
yeah, the news on tv and in the daily rag is all too depressing,sometimes i wish i could just hide in big ball of cotton wool and ignore this mortal coil,unfortunately,not to be,just got to get the ole head down and get on with it,life is too short anyhoo...hope your well bud and wearing a smile,hav a drink on me
A haunted mansion!
Sounds like SUCH a good time.
You are a good daddy.
And, you ALWAYS have the BEST pics! You never cease to amaze me with your wicked photo skillz.
I am a scaredy cat at times, like now we have someone going around snatching women and killing them in my neighborhood, they just found another woman the other day 2 blocks from my house, 2 blocks its scary so yeah I am a scaredy cat.
Angel Asley, my little star-
I'm soooo glad your back! I missed you. I'm so sorry to hear of your deletion. You don't know how many times I had my finger on that button out of fustration & disgust. Let me know when you start posting babe- I can't wait...and visit my friend eros...he gets lonely & horney.
Yea, Happy Halloween.
I'm sorry I haven't left that many comments with you- I have been visiting though. Thx much love.
Just had some blood taken this morn for extra insurance. I need the mrs. to be set in case of my unnatural demise, providing she's around to collect...and I'll make that scotch, thanks.
been waiting for you to visit hon,
glad you like it...don't forget to visit eros- I think you'd like that too.
Strumpet, my love- You like me, you really do....you motivate me to be creative.
Boy Lori-
That really sucks, what the fuck is up with all these sick-o's roaming America. Is this the latest craze? Be careful dear girl.
Capn'- I'm thrilled your back- if only for a little while, till your ship sails again.
...and it's just another asshole.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Yeah, I really do...
Lori! Oh my God!! Please make sure you are carrying mace and a whistle at all times. And keep your cel handy. And, for God sakes, really try not to walk alone. And DON'T TALK TO ANY STRANGERS! None. Ever. That's insane. Please be safe.
great post :)
Of course the bogeymen are hiding behind every jar of butter, every bar of soap. That's how they get their kicks, laughing at us "normals."
The truth is, without being scared, how will we know what it's like to not be scared?
Impossible statistically, I say!
What do you mean, I can't come home everyday and eat candy? I like eating candy.
Where did you find that butt? Now I'm scairt. LOL
Oh, Lee Ann,
I wish I could, babe- It's Sunday Eve and I'm bushed. Worked my usual job yest. till 3 came home, got into my "Ceaser" costume for a house Halloween party- got there at 8, 1 hr. fashionably late and took 3rd place for costume. Drank way too much scotch,
still drove home @late hour. Mrs P was a bit tipsy also, dressed like the chick from "Matrix."
-Hung many Xmas lights on 2 houses for 12 hours today, up & down ladders and cross high steep roofs-
for the money (About $5500.00)
Fucking 30 mph winds and cold...
anywat- took nice hot shower had steak dinner, 1 shot of scotch, 3 advils, aaaand 2 bowls.
and that was my weekend in a nutshell.
Need 1 more day to crash.
Words to the wise...eh?
Good Advice.
Oh, Ms Smack,
Your really here...Hope you like it, I lured you here, just hoping...
Love those eyes, now I'm wondering about the rest of you...do come back
Now I'm scared,
the bogeyman is
at my door singing
"Monster Mash!"
Like I told the Captain-
it's just some asshole.
...and I know you like candy-
that's the sweet factor
about you.
and where's crabby??
haven't seen her since
last post..
Most of those things make me go Grrrrr! then eeek! then another grrrr! of frustration at our daily world....sometimes though...hiding out at home can help me forget all about it...and then Monday morning comes...and it is too much too fast too soon!
the most frightening picture of all is of dick and bush up there...*shudder* they skeere me.
the candy makes it all worthwhile, oh yes, the candy....mmmmmmmmm
scary, scary, scary.
yes, life is scary.
but it is also amazingly beautiful. :)
happy halloween, polyman.
By the time you read this, it will be All Saint's Day, which is much better than Halloween due to shorter lines.
The laws of demand and supply dictate success!
Ok. That was scary. I need chocolate now...
Trick or Treat!!! Ohhh, I'm late??
Awwww nuts!!
Good Humour...
Best regards...
Saludos desde Buenos Aires...
Happy Thursday!!!!!
The world is scarier than any movie or bokk ever written.
Sunny, I know what you mean, Even though the kids make me crazy,when I get home in the evening- it's such a great feeling to close that front door behind me and leave that world behind for a few hours.
I love that scary picture, It's only fitting.
I want candy!!!
Lee Ann,
Love right back to ya!
Beautiful in a scary way.
It is now way past Halloween & all saints day. The usual blurrrr.
Come here honey, I'll split my Kit Kat with you.
No- right on time...I'm the late one.
Thanks for visiting...Yeah humor
behind all the frightening images of real life.
Lee Ann,
Love your HNT. Maaaaa! So sexy.
Soooo true babe.
Good message. We're blogging while Rome burns, but it's hard to know what else to do.
Great post! The end really knocked me out.
Keep writing (as if you could stop.)
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