Friday, November 03, 2006

Poly-tic-ally Nowhere

Devils weed.

Just say YES...

My country
......................tis of thee...



Human kind
in a stem

Is it? a box?

Don't worrydummy


"School project"

...and so creative

Let's just

have some fun


Just trying

to make
a point

La, La, La!


Eve Grey said...

Hi poly, very relevant post, loved it. and i'm first, yay!

erika said...

LOL well I say you made your point.

Violet said...

I'm with ya....

Dan said...

I came, I saw, I laughed, I cried ... but mostly I scratched my head (it itched, I think I may have a touch of dandruff).

JLee said...

I just like the word "fatily"
I'm going to use that now!

Dino said...

hey Poly nice post love the way you do your pictures and text. hope things are well, hadn't seen you around in a while

Cinderella said...

Your posts always leave me thinking and wondering and alittle confused...wahhhhh! Still love ya though!

Zen Wizard said...

I do, in fact, think marijuana is the devil's weed. It makes you lethargic, introverted, and paranoid.

But--that does not necessarily mean I think it should be illegal.

For instance, I think Christmas is Satanic, but I don't think it should be illegal.

For the record, Christmas just makes me lethargic and introverted--not paranoid, in this life. But in a previous life, if Caligula asked you to wear some donkey ears about this time of year, you should have been paranoid.

Polyman3 said...

Hey Sass,
Missed ya. Sad you don't post anymore- but I'm thrilled you still visit old Poly. XXX

Yea, me & the guy with the knive
in the head, ha ha.

Then that makes 2 of us against the world...frightening.

I hope I did, I think...

Welcome friend. Ha! nice comment.
Perhaps a good shampoo might help.

I actually looked up the word "fat"
in the dictionary when writing this, and landed on fatility, which I thought was a good caption for that cartoon.
poor dog- what a way to go.

dino aka katy,
Like the new handle. I've been going into phases lately where I stop blogging and work on my book.
Blogging is definitly easier.
Wish I had more time to visit everyone.

You too hah? This post confused the shit out of me, but I kinda like it. Just threw pics up and commented on them- usually I have some kind of overall theme.

I think Marijuana/hemp is the answer to all of what ails mankind. From the oil that was used in lamps for centuries, to hemp for rope, paper, clothes etc...not to mention the
untold medicinal uses- Oh, but what the hell do I know.
I just smoke it, and it doesn't give me a hangover the next day.

Christmas on the other hand is a great commercial event. I love it even though it wipes out my little bank account every year.

NINANINA said...

love your collage montage....thanks forthe entertainment poly=DUDE!

Becky said...

Pot is awesome! I wish it were legal then I could smoke it again. Once I grew up I quit, but if it were legal I'd do it again for sure!

Cherry! said...

Hey Poly! Your comment on my blog made me post again. It had me scared, so I just did what ya said and returned to the land of the blog. Oh and I think that you said please may have ad something to do with it. hahaha.

onan the bavarian said...

Thanks, I do enjoy picture blogs.

jin said...

do not
for a very
LONG time.

(Ummm....don't ask...I have no idea either. LOL! Off to bed! Nighty night! ;-)

starbender said...

ahhhhhhhhh the devils weed, eh? could have easily come from God! all pure and natural and everything! Yummmm..........

; ]

Mone said...

I just harvested my plants, hahaha.
Cool pictures like always Poly, and a point well made.

L said...

Beautiful picture of the devils weed.
There are days I actually miss smoking it. ;)

Otis said...

I suppose it's the devil's weed until it can be subsidized and taxed...

Poly, I always enjoy your posts.

morbid misanthrope said...

It's all fun and games until someone gets a knife in the forehead.

Lee Ann said...

Wow, laughing, crying, have it all dear!

Have a wonderful day...I have a message...come see me!

Polyman3 said...

Hi Nina,
Always loved the concept of the collage. It seems to be a good medium for me.

I believe in personal freedoms.
I do indulge from time to time in the name of creativity and because
it's fun.

Didn't mean to shake you up, but you can't leave us. End of conversation.

In that case you came to the right place. Thx.

Neither do I.

Harvest time, how nice.

...and I'm with you on that!

I deprive myself of enough things because I'm a so-called responsible
citizen. But not my drink nor my smoke.

and by right, they should! Stupid bastards went and banned something just for political and economic absurdities.

Yes- great minds think alike. God bless us one and all...

Ah, it's just a flesh wound.

Lee Ann,
...and more once you get to know me, and yes I aced your quiz.

ZooooM said...

Pot v. Booze - the why one is illegal and the other isn't thing gets me every time. I try not to even discuss it because people get very wound up about it. Almost worse than when discussing religion.

I think it's because for one reason or another - pot and booze have touched more people than religion has lately.

AristoNeeks said...

pot is illegal in america, becoz the world's best pot is not made in america.

capitalism wins every time.

Anonymous said...

Good point I may just have to smoke one and quit depriving myself. ;)

Sunny Delight said...

Oooh I think you made a very good joint ehh I mean point!

Becky said...

American the fat people's country. Or so all of europe thinks.

Polyman3 said...

Well I grew up in tail end of the 60's and early 70's by the Hamptons of Long Island, and let me tell you Pot & booze were the religion.

Sure would like to sample
some of your stash.

Deprivation is never good.

Your one person I'd love to party with, bet you have a great laugh.

That's why everbody hates us,
and envies us.


great post made yer point am away now for a cup of tea and a haggis supper,cya bud